Treow Admissions Process
Apply to Treow today to get your children accepted for classes 1-7 where our Steiner School approach will provide your children what they need when they need it, to be academically, emotionally and spiritually prepared for the journey through life.
- Download and complete the Treow Admissions form. Scan and email to [email protected] or drop off the physical copy.
- Treow will acknowledge receipt of the form within 1 business day.
- Treow may arrange an interview with you and your child to assess their current learning, abilities and behaviour.
- Treow will decide if we can accommodate your child.
- Treow will contact you with the outcome of the decision and let you know any further steps that may be needed.
On Acceptance
- Both parents will be required to sign the Parents Contract.
- The form providing information for the “Mobi-claw Emergency Response Management Ambulance Plan” should be completed.
Treow 2024 Fees
- Classes 1 to 4: R 5 590 per month.
- Classes 5 to 7: R 6 270 per month.
- The full fee applies to your first child at the school, there is a 10% discount for any additional children.
- There is a placement fee per child of R2000.
Treow Expectations
At Treow:
- Cooperation takes priority over competition.
- Mobile phones are discouraged and not allowed in school.
- Parents are expected to limit the consumption of electronic media and violent content by the children at home, to support the teachers and the fellow parents in this. Please refer to the Parents Contract.
Most Steiner Primary Schools allow for a level of individual variation in the pace of learning, based upon the expectation that a child will grasp a concept or achieve a skill when he or she is ready. This is true at Treow but we are not able to accommodate children with learning or behavioral difficulties at this stage.