Treow - Steiner education - Preparing children for life.
The lanterns that the children make for the festival are always beautiful.
This children and parents gather to celebrate the light in the world. “St John, St John, the messenger of light, who kindled the fire in the dark winter’s night.”
The children perform a concert for the parents, with singing and musical instruments.
The class 5 children make simple wooden objects to get a feel for the craft
When the fire has burned down, the children and parents get a chance to contemplate things. “The original idea of any sacred festival is to make the human being look upward from his dependence on earthly things to those things that transcend the Earth.” – Rudolf Steiner
The class 4 children experience the ideas of maps and plans in Geography
A golden star from heaven came slowly journeying
The first classroom is used by the older children in grades 4 to 6 (2022)
The first classroom is used by the younger children in grades 1 to 3 (2022), the Oak Trees.
Easter is a time to celebrate Christ.
The children have normally active days. Time in the classroom is balanced with time outside.
The children love gardening. Here they are creating an ornamental area.
It is wonderful to soak up some winter sun during lunch break.
The younger children are seen here practicing their recorders
The Archangel Michael slaying the dragon.
The class 2 children knit bags for their recorders
The children work diligently to copy information from the board.
The children make their own main lesson books as part of the learning process.
The children hiked in the Drakensberg as part of the school camp
Having fun in the Berg
The children camped in the Champagne Valley
The children going for a walk at the school camp
One of the school plays was St George and the Dragon, for the Michaelmas festival.